Pricing & Testing

We all have one body. Within these bodies are multiple systems continuously interacting, supporting and talking to each other. This is what makes it important to look at how your entire body is working, rather than just the isolated symptom(s).

This holistic approach forms the basis of how we work with you.

How it works…

  1. 15 mins discovery call

    A non-committal call to discuss your health goals and how we can help.

  2. A comprehensive pre-consultation questionnaire

    A detailed health questionnaire and food diary is shared ahead of your consultation which covers a complete picture of your health, including questions around your diet and lifestyle. This allows us to research ahead of our consultation.

  3. Consultation

    The initial consultation delves into the key systems that have been identified, allowing us to discuss explanations of key imbalances and enables us to craft a realistic plan tailored to your diet and lifestyle and is aligned with your health goals. The programme will consist of:

    • A personalised nutritional & lifestyle plan

    • Supplement recommendations with discount (if required)

    • The required number of follow up sessions inline with your plan (Boost, Vitality or Restoration)

    • Online support queries in between check-ups via email

    • Handouts and recipes

    • Testing & diagnostics (if required & separate to the fee)

  4. Follow-up Sessions

All follow up sessions consist of 30 mins on zoom. These allow us to monitor and optimise the plan to suit how your body responds as we go, ensuring we keep inline with your individual health goals.

Fees cover our sessions together and research and preparation for all your personalised plans. All sessions are conducted on zoom.

NB: Interpretation of GP or functional test results is an additional cost


Initial Consultation: £205

Boost: £480 (3 x follow up sessions)

Perfect for those who are already motivated towards a healthy lifestyle but are looking for a little support in optimising their nutrition, or want to take preventative measures to improve their health. This package works well for those looking for support toward a specific short-term goal, such as a sporting event, a wedding, or a holiday.

Vitality: £960 (6 x follow up sessions)

This package is designed for those who have longer-term issues such as gut, hormone, mood, or skin issues. Given the deeply embedded nature of these kinds of symptoms - there is usually a range of factors going on - addressing them usually requires a sustained course of nutritional therapy in which plans are continually assessed and optimised against milestones.

Restoration: £1440 (9 x follow up sessions)

This package is designed for clients with chronic and/or multiple symptoms requiring a more fundamental approach to recovery. This includes, but is not limited to autoimmune issues, IBS and other gut-related conditions, fertility challenges, diabetes, and obesity. If you are a long-term sufferer of any of these, or similar conditions, who has seen limited progress from other forms of treatment, then this could be the package for you.

Functional Testing

Functional testing allows us to accurately assess what’s happening inside your body. Coupled with your health history and goals, it helps us identify any underlying causes and understand your unique nutritional needs.

  • We partner with the leading blood science technology company that provides advanced screening techniques and analysis. Their bespoke test kits cover 13 body systems, 7 accessory systems, 7 macronutrient systems, and over 40 clinical dysfunctions to provide the most advanced, comprehensive reporting on the market today.

  • Thyroid dysfunction affects a large percentage of the global population and its incidence continues to increase. Common symptoms reported in-clinic which can be related to thyroid disorders include i.e: low energy, weight gain, constipation, cognitive dysfunction, breathlessness, dizziness, palpitations, loss of libido, dry/gritty eyes, hair loss especially outer third of eyebrows, dry skin, muscle, and joint pain, Carpal Tunnel syndrome, and loss of appetite. A full thyroid panel can be undertaken fairly quickly and dietary changes can be made to support thyroid health.

  • A comprehensive stool test can reveal important information about the root cause of many common gastrointestinal symptoms such as gas, bloating, indigestion, abdominal pain, diarrhoea, and constipation. Stool tests measure specific biomarkers to identify functional imbalances and inadequacies and allow us to develop tailored therapeutic dietary and lifestyle interventions to address the root cause of your issues.

  • We understand that fertility is not just about sex hormones for men and women and that there is a range of factors and biomarkers that need to be considered such as thyroid function, blood sugar, stress loads, toxin exposure, immune function, and weight management. We’ll test biomarkers across all of these areas to provide a holistic assessment of your fertility where you may benefit from support.

  • We use the most extensive profile of sex and adrenal hormone testing to detect hormone imbalances, adrenal fatigue and cortisol dysregulation. These tests are essential for clients with PMS, low libido, depression, weight gain, fatigue, unexplained infertility, PCOS and more.


  • The primary focus of Nutritional Therapy is ‘Food as Medicine’, and we implement evidence-based dietary modifications tailored to the client’s needs to optimise health and wellness. This could include recommended foods, specific dietary interventions, diagnostics, supplements, lifestyle changes, and other modalities where needed.

    Nutritional Therapy is about shifting from a traditional disease-centered approach which focuses on symptom management, to ascertain the root cause of an underlying disease or imbalance through whole-body analysis.

    Nutritional Therapy assesses the whole person and how each system within the body is functioning (or not functioning as the case may be). Consultations are in-depth and cover;

    • Past and present medical history

    • Family medical history

    • Environmental factors (e.g. where you live & work

    • Bodily systems - nervous, endocrine, respiratory, gastrointestinal, cardiovascular, urinary, reproductive, immune, musculoskeletal, integumentary

    • Lifestyle (e.g. sleep, work, exercise)

    • Relationship with food

    • Health goals

  • It really depends on your current health status and whether or not the underlying cause of your symptoms has been identified or not. There may also be several issues or imbalances at play that require support over time, so we’ll work together to put in place a methodical approach to improve your health. Once you’ve completed your health questionnaire, we’ll be able to recommend an appropriate package.

  • The initial 15 minute conversation will help us understand what issues you want to address, and we can look at the right package for you.

    Fees cover our sessions together, weekly check-ins, interpretation of GP or functional test results, and research and preparation for all your personalised plans.

    Fees do not include any functional tests that may need to be carried out.